Web Magazine for Information Professionals

British Academy Symposium: Information Technology and Scholarly Disciplines

Seamus Ross provides the programme for a symposium which seeks to explore how information technology has affected research in the humanities and social sciences.

The aim of the symposium is to explore how information technology has affected research in the humanities and social sciences, particularly in terms of the topics chosen and the way they are are approached – in other words, whether there has been a paradigm shift, and, if so, what its characteristics are. This question will be examined by reference to research in individual disciplines, particularly as illustrated by the work of each speaker.

A timetable follows. Each contribution will be given a slot of 45 minutes, of which 30 minutes only is intended for the main presentation: the remaining time will be for comment, questions and discussion.

Because of the size of the conference rooms available, numbers are limited, and places will be assigned according to the principle ‘first come, first served’. Preference will be given to those who wish to attend both days. The cost is £30 for the two days, to include tea, coffee, lunch with wine each day, as well as a reception on Friday evening. A daily rate of £20 is available. There are, incidentally, a number of places reserved for 20 graduate students at the reduced charge of £20 for two days (or £15 per day).

Enquiries and applications for places, including cheques made payable to the British Academy, should be sent to Rosemary Lambeth at the British Academy, 20-21 Cornwall Terrace, London NW1 4QP


British Academy Symposium: Information Technology and Scholarly Disciplines
Friday 18 and Saturday 19 October 1996